Houghton Surname Project: Descendancy Line Statistics,

2019 Houghton Yes flag: 97,587 individuals

Houghton surname: 45,437

Haughton surname: 5401 (26,321 descendants)

Houghton emigrant lines: 1146 Houghtons not born in USA and emigrated to USA

John Houghton of Lancaster, MA: 25,753 descendants

Ralph Houghton of Lancaster, MA: 19,383 descendants

John Houghton of New Jersey: 2626 descendants

Elijah Houghton of Virginia: 2358 descendants

Oliver Houghton of Dummerston, VT: 1370 descendants (genetically belong to John Houghton of Lancaster, MA)

Robert Houghton of England: 881 descendants

Thomas Haughton of NC: 1174 descendants

Alfred Haughton of England: 993 descendants

Richard Haughton of New London, CT: 695 descendants

Sampson Haughton of New York: 467 descendants (son of John Houghton, genetic line of John Houghton of Lancaster, MA)